Keyboarding Expectations

Why practice typing?

Touch typing is a lifelong skill that allows students to reap many benefits through out their academic life and beyond. Students learn early that accuracy is essential and that through practice and application the speed increases. Thus, allowing more efficient use of their time, providing an advantage in their education and typing correctly can have health benefits!

What is expected by the end of the year?

For students in grades K-2, the goal is to become familiar with the keys on the keyboard and to be able to accurately locate and type each of the letters (as lowercase and with the shift key to make uppercase letters), numbers and utilize the space bar and enter key. Accuracy is key and each student is encouraged to set goals for themselves to continuously improve and get a minimum of 80% accuracy.

As students progress into the intermediate grades, accuracy is still essential. In addition to accuracy, students begin focusing on their words per minute (wpm) as well. Below is a chart demonstrating the end of the year grade level expectations to meet the standards. Students striving to exceed the standards should look at the next grade levels expectations.

Grade Level Accuracy Speed

K-2 80% or greater N/A

3rd 85% or greater 15 wpm

4th 90% or greater 20 wpm

5th 90% or greater 25 wpm

6th 90% or greater 30 wpm