Third Grade Week 5

Day 1

Learning Goal: We are learning to be effective and efficient typists on the keyboard.

Success Criteria: I will know I am successful when...

I can log onto my Type to Learn account using the account code 162231.

I can turn 1 or more check marks green.

Learning Goal: We are learning more about loops and how to implement them in Blockly code. We are learning to add instructions to existing loops, gather repeated code into loops, and recognize patterns that need to be repeated. *Computational Thinker

Words of the Day

Success Criteria: I will I know I am successful when...

I can click on the CODE icon and log-in to my account by clicking on my name and my secret picture.

I can identify the problem.

I can determine the step or steps needed to solve the problem.

I can construct a program using structures that repeat areas of code.

I can improve existing code by finding areas of repetition and moving them into looping structures.

I can run my program to see if it works and make changes to my code as needed.

I can work at my own pace and work on lesson 9. I can see my accomplishments by the numbers of levels I turned green.

Day 2

Learning Goal: We are learning to be effective and efficient typists on the keyboard.

Success Criteria: I will know I am successful when...

I can log onto my Type to Learn account using the account code 162231.

I can turn 1 or more check marks green.

Learning Goal: We are learning the power of loops with an array of puzzles meant to get us thinking about why repeat loops are superior to longhand. *Computational Thinker

Words of the Day

Success Criteria: I will I know I am successful when...

I can click on the CODE icon and log-in to my account by clicking on my name and my secret picture.

I can identify the problem.

I can identify the benefits of using a loop structure instead of manual repetition.

I can differentiate between commands that need to be repeated in loops and commands that should be used on their own.

I can determine the step or steps needed to solve the problem.

I can run my program to see if it works and make changes to my code as needed.

I can work at my own pace and work on lesson 10. I can see my accomplishments by the numbers of levels I turned green.

Day 3

Learning Goal: We are learning to be effective and efficient typists on the keyboard.

Success Criteria: I will know I am successful when...

I can log onto my Type to Learn account using the account code 162231.

I can turn 1 or more check marks green.

Learning Goal: We are learning how to program a loop to be inside of another loop. We will also figure out how little changes in either loop will affect our program when we click Run. *Computational Thinker

Success Criteria: I will I know I am successful when...

I can click on the CODE icon and log-in to my account by clicking on my name and my secret picture.

I can identify the problem.

I can break complex tasks into smaller repeatable sections.

I can recognize large repeated patterns as made from smaller repeated patterns.

I can identify the benefits of using a loop structure instead of manual repetition

I can determine the step or steps needed to solve the problem.

I can run my program to see if it works and make changes to my code as needed.

I can work at my own pace and work on lesson 11. I can see my accomplishments by the numbers of levels I turned green.

Day 4

Learning Goal: We are learning to be effective and efficient typists on the keyboard.

Success Criteria: I will know I am successful when...

I can log onto my Type to Learn account using the account code 162231.

I can turn 1 or more check marks green.

Learning Goal: We are learning to begin to code with conditionals, allowing us to write code that functions differently depending on the specific conditions the program encounters. *Computational Thinker

Word of the Day

Success Criteria: I will I know I am successful when...

I can click on the CODE icon and log-in to my account by clicking on my name and my secret picture.

I can identify the problem.

I can translate spoken language conditional statements into a program.

I can solve puzzles using a combination of looped sequences and conditionals

I can recognize a connection between if / else blocks and while loops in this set of puzzles.

I can determine the step or steps needed to solve the problem.

I can run my program to see if it works and make changes to my code as needed.

I can work at my own pace and work on lesson 13. I can see my accomplishments by the numbers of levels I turned green.

Day 5

Learning Goal: We are learning to be effective and efficient typists on the keyboard.

Success Criteria: I will know I am successful when...

I can log onto my Type to Learn account using the account code 162231.

I can turn 1 or more check marks green.

Learning Goal: We are learning to develop a beginner's understanding of condition-based loops and also expand their knowledge of loops in general. *Computational Thinker

Words of the Day

Success Criteria: I will I know I am successful when...

I can click on the CODE icon and log-in to my account by clicking on my name and my secret picture.

I can identify the problem.

I can distinguish between loops that repeat a fixed number of times and loops that repeat as long as a condition is true.

I can use a while loop to create programs that can solve problems with unknown values.

I can determine the step or steps needed to solve the problem.

I can run my program to see if it works and make changes to my code as needed.

I can work at my own pace and work on lesson 14. I can see my accomplishments by the numbers of levels I turned green.