Don't Fall for Fake

Does the message look right?

  • What's your first instinct? Do you notice any untrustworthy parts?

Is the email or pop-up offering you something for free?

  • Free offers usually aren't really free.

Is it asking for your personal information?

  • Some websites ask for personal info so they can send you more scams. For example, "personality tests" could be gathering facts to make it easy to guess your password or other secret information. Most real businesses, on the other hand, won't ask for personal information over email.

Is it a chain email or social post?

  • Emails and posts that ask you to forward them to everyone you know can put you and others at risk. Don't do it unless you're sure of the source and sure the message is safe to pass on.

Does it have fine print?

  • At the bottom of most documents you'll find the "fine print." This text is tiny, and often contains the stuff you're supposed to miss. For example, a headline at the top might say you've won a free phone, but in the fine print you'll read that you actually have to pay that company $200 per month.