First Grade Week 1

Day 1

Learning Goal: We are learning to be safe and effective typists on the keyboard.

Success Criteria: I will know I am successful when...

I can log onto my Type to Learn account.
I can turn 1 or more check marks green.

Learning Goal: We are learning to be safe, responsible and respectful online.

Success Criteria: I will know I am successful when...

I can understand the importance of being safe, responsible and respectful online.

I can learn the "Pause & Think Online" song to remember basic digital citizenship concepts. 

Grade 1 - Pause & Think Online - Lesson Slides

Day 2

Learning Goal: We are learning to be safe and effective typists on the keyboard.

Success Criteria: I will know I am successful when...

I can log onto my Type to Learn account.
I can turn 1 or more check marks green.

Learning Goal: We are learning to pay attention to our feelings while using technology. 

Success Criteria: I will know I am successful when...

I can recognize different kinds of feelings I may have when using technology.

I can know what to do when I do not have a good feeling when using technology.

Grade 1 - How Technology Makes You Feel - Lesson Slides


Paint a picture to show what you will do if you get an uncomfortable feeling using technology. 

Day 3

Learning Goal: We are learning to be safe and effective typists on the keyboard.

Success Criteria: I will know I am successful when...

I can log onto my Type to Learn account.
I can turn 1 or more check marks green.

Learning Goal: We are learning to go places safely on the computer

Success Criteria: I will know I am successful when...

I can use the Internet to learn new things.

I can use the Internet to visit far-away places.

I can explain how staying safe online is similar to staying safe in the real world.

I can teach others how to stay safe when "traveling" on the Internet.

I can apply what I have learned by safely "traveling" to Monterey Bay Aquarium.

Grade K - Safety in My Online Neighborhood - Lesson Slides

Click the plane to safely travel to Monterey Bay Aquarium.

Day 4

Learning Goal: We are learning to be safe and effective typists on the keyboard.

Success Criteria: I will know I am successful when...

I can log onto my Type to Learn account.
I can turn 1 or more check marks green.

Learning Goal: We are learning to go places safely online.

Success Criteria: I will know I am successful when...

I can apply what I have learned by safely "traveling" to the San Diego Zoo.

I can click on the different links and icons to learn about different animals.

I can explain to others how they too could "travel" safely to the place I enjoyed visiting.

Click the plane to safely travel to the San Diego Zoo.

Day 5

Learning Goal: We are learning to be safe and effective typists on the keyboard.

Success Criteria: I will know I am successful when...

I can log onto my Type to Learn account.
I can turn 1 or more check marks green.

Learning Goal: We are learning to go places safely online.

Success Criteria: I will know I am successful when...

I can apply what I have learned by safely "traveling" to the White House in Washington D.C.

I can draw a picture of the place I enjoyed visiting the most online. 

I can explain to others how they too could "travel" safely to the place I enjoyed visiting.

Click the plane to safely travel to the White House.

Click the paint pallet to draw a picture of the website you enjoyed traveling to the most.