Rules and Regulations



Welcome to Mr. Horn’s classes for the 2021-2022 school year. I am William F. Horn II, and I am looking forward to teaching you the great subject of World Geography. I am eager to accomplish all of the exciting things Woodmont High School has to offer this year. The following rules and regulations are a guideline for the classroom management and academic responsibilities of this class. If you have any questions or concerns pertaining to these rules and regulations, please contact me to set up an appointment to address your concerns.

1) All polices and procedures in the Woodmont High School handbook will be adhered to and followed in my class.

2) Students are expected to respect all school polices and follow them.

3) In my class, expectations are high and respect for every student’s right to learn will be guaranteed.

4) All students should come to class prepared everyday. That means that the students should have a pen or pencil, paper, and their textbook.

5) Use the Golden Rule when considering your actions. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

6) Let’s have a great year! Learn who you are and what you can learn.

Student/Parents/& Guardians: If you need to contact me, please call or drop me a note at the number listed below.

Thank you for the opportunity to help your students succeed at Woodmont High School this year.

Contact numbers:

School: (864) 355-8879

Email: or


William F. Horn II