AP Macro

Dear Parent/Guardian,

As your child’s AP Macroeconomic teacher, I look forward to an exciting year of instruction, analysis, projects, and research activities as we expand our knowledge and appreciation of how economics works in the world.

This course will prepare students for the Advanced Placement Exam in Macroeconomics in May. AP Econ is a fast paced college-level course that focuses on the decision making of individuals, businesses, and the government. Students will study a variety of economic theories and analyze their practical application in the real world.

This semester-long course will cover macroeconomics. Macro focuses on the economy as a whole, including economic measures, economic growth, fiscal policy, monetary policy, and international economics. Students will take the Macro Exam in May of 2022. This class will prepare you for college and potentially allow you to earn 3 university credits upon passing the AP exam. Extensive math skills are not required; however, the ability to analyze graphs and charts is essential.

Please review the course syllabus with your son/daughter. The syllabus contains valuable information, including the grading policy, course requirements and expectations. If you have any questions, e-mail is the best way to contact me. My e-mail is whorn@greenvilleschools.us Also, please feel free to call (864) 355-8879.

I look forward to a successful year.


William F. Horn II