
GCS 4K Syllabus —2021-22

I. 4K Program Goal

The overall goal of 4K is to improve children’s understanding of the world and to strengthen their desire to continue learning. Appropriate, intellectually challenging learning opportunities are planned to help students meet state and district learner standards in language arts, mathematics, social studies, science, physical development, the arts, and personal/social development.

II. Daily Schedule

4K Schedule

7:10 - 7:30 Arrival Time and Breakfast

7:30- 7:45 Unpack & Sign In Books

7:45 - 8:05 Calendar/Helper Chart/Writing & Morning Message

8:05 - 8:15 Songs & Finger Plays

8:15 - 8:45 Hand-washing & Math Small Group Rotations

8:45 - 9:15 Work/Center Time

9:15 -9:45 Hand-washing & Literacy Small Group Rotations

9:45 - 10:20 Outside Physical Activity

10:20 - 11:00 Related Arts

11:00 - 11:15 Shared Reading

11:15- 11:45 Mindfulness/Community Meeting/Read Aloud

11:45 - 11:55 Music & Movement

11:55 - 12:20 Hand-washing & Lunch

12:20 - 1:00 Clean Up/Restroom/Quiet Time

1:00 - 1:45 Plan/Do/Review (Work/Center Time)

1:45 - 2:10 Clean & Pack Up/Closing Meeting/Dismissal

III. Descriptions of Students Being Taught


IV. Grade Level Standards

V. Instructional Materials and Resources

4K programs actively involve children in learning experiences consistent with their development and help children acquire a strong foundation for future learning. A basic list of 4K materials is attached. Additional materials are rotated into the classroom as appropriate for specific themes and/or projects.

VI. Assessment/Evaluation of Student Progress

Sources for assessment:

· Anecdotal notes based on teacher observation

· Teacher checklists

· Portfolio entries

· Student artifacts

· PALS-Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening

Documentation of student progress:

· 4K Report Card—completed 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th reporting periods

· Student Portfolios

Student Records:

· 4K Report Card and student portfolios are shared with parents during parent conferences. The 4K Report Card are included in the student’s permanent record for the receiving kindergarten teacher.

VII. Home/School Connections

Parents are provided with suggestions and activities to support children’s learning in an on-going basis through both classroom & e-learning experiences.

Parent Orientation:

  • "Meet the Teacher" prior to August 17th

Parent/Teacher Conferences:

  • Conferences are held at the school at the end of the first quarter. Teachers share items from the student’s portfolio and introduce the parents to the 4K Report Card. Parents have an opportunity to learn of their child’s progress thus far and find out strategies for enhancing their child’s learning at home.

  • Mid-year conferences are held on an as-needed basis as determined by the classroom teachers or the parents. Portfolio items are shared and the updated skill report may be reviewed. Additionally, questions or concerns will be addressed.

  • Final conferences are held during the month of May. This conference is a celebration of the child’s progress and accomplishments in the 4K program. Parents are given their child’s portfolios and final report card.

Parent Meetings and Family Activities:

  • August: Virtual "Meet the Teacher" & LEAP Days

  • October: Parent Conferences – Individual conferences will be held for each student, virtually. Student progress through portfolio documentation and student work will be shared. Report Cards will be introduced along with the Sterling School Continua.

  • December: Fairy Tales Program – TBD

  • March: Stores Project Celebration-TBD

  • May: End of Year Parent Conferences – Individual parent conferences will be held with parents and students as we revisit portfolios and celebrate 4K milestones and accomplishments.

  • June: End of Year Celebration – TBD.

VIII. Communication with Parents

The 4K program supports the development of children as lifelong learners through partnerships with each child’s home and family. Each family receives:

· classroom rules and procedures

· student work samples

· Class Seesaw

· weekly newsletters describing class and school activities. This information is also included on the teacher’s website:

Mrs. Forman:

Ms. Mendes:

IX. Attendance and Tardy Policies

Every learning day is important. Regular prompt attendance helps young children build a lifetime of good school habits. Families will be contacted when attendance or late arrival affects student learning.

X. Building Responsible and Respectful Behavior

Our goals are to build self-discipline, respect for others, and to develop individual responsibility. Clear and consistent expectations and routines provide a framework for responsible student behavior. Simple Classroom rules are developed with the students at the beginning of the school year. Individual and small group problem solving will be used to resolve conflicts. At times, individual behavior plans will be used to assist children in making better choices.

Classroom Rules

1. Be Safe – (e.g. walk inside, sit down on the rug, wash hands before eating)

2. Be Respectful – (e.g. use kind hands, use kind words, share, use listening ears)

3. Be Responsible – (e.g. clean up your toys, blocks are for building, take care of your things)

Students will reference these rules frequently throughout the day and practice a variety of social strategies to problem-solve during play. Student pictures will be used and a class chart will be created to help students make connections to these rules and their daily interactions. These rules are easily interchangeable between school and home. By using common vocabulary, students will make quicker connections to the rules in school and in their daily lives.

Sterling PRIDE is a school-wide initiative that promotes building positive characteristics and a common language at home and school. P=Positivity, R=Respect, I=Integrity, D=Determination, E=Empathy are important traits that all students should display. These characteristics are modeled heavily in the 4K program and are encouraged daily. Students participate in role-play and a variety of developmentally appropriate activities that help to build an understanding of PRIDE.

XI. Procedures for Non-Instructional Routines

· When there is a change in your child’s address or phone number, please let the teachers know as soon as possible. It is important for your child’s records to be kept current at the school, in case of emergency. You can notify teachers of the change by sending a note in your child’s folder, calling the classroom, or sending updated information via email.

· If there is to be a change in your child’s transportation for the day, please let the teachers know as soon as you are aware of the change. You can call the main office at 355-4480 and they will let us know.

· Please label all of your child’s belongings with his or her first and last names. There is a lost and found collection maintained in the office should your child be missing a jacket, lunchbox, or other item.

· Each family is encouraged to complete and return an application for free or reduced lunch at the beginning of each school year. If your child is required to pay either full or reduced price for his or her meals, please send the money in an envelope labeled with your child’s name, amount and purpose for the money, and the teacher’s name.

· If your child has food allergies or special needs, please let the teachers know.

· Children are encouraged to leave their personal toys and belongings at home. We have a wide variety of materials in the classroom for your child to explore while he or she is at school.

· We will have a daily quiet time in our classroom. Each child will need a small towel.

· Both boy’s and girl’s bathrooms are located in the 4K classrooms. Children are allowed to visit the restroom as needed throughout the school day. Please dress your child in clothing that he or she can manage on their own (No hard buttons or belts). In case of toileting accidents, parents are encouraged to send a complete change of clothing for their children. Boxes will be provided by the teachers to store the clothing in the bathroom. Please replace clothing as your child uses it.