Toys, The Night They Came Alive Script, Editing

Luna is going to do the Toy Soldier #1 for the Christmas play/program!😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

Edited By Luna Shrack

Toys! The Night They Came Alive

A Christmas Music by John Jacobson

Part 1

Jack-in-the-Box: (wearing a witch’s hat or some other Halloween costume) Happy! Happy! Happy Halloween! You’re the best sight I’ve ever seen!

Rag Doll 1: Get back in your box! That’s a silly thing to say! You’ve got the wrong happy holiday!

Jack: Really? It’s not Halloween? (Rag Dolls shake their heads.) Oops! (laughs) Sorry about that. See ya! (He goes back in the box, and the Rag Dolls close the lid.)

Rag Doll 1: (to the audience) Merry Christmas, everyone! We’re as happy as can be!

Rag Doll 2: It’s time for us to have some fun! There’s glee under the tree! (This is the cue for the music to start and the show to begin in earnest. Each cast member is dressed as their favorite Christmas toy that has now come alive. Some could even climb out of wrapped boxes.)

Part 2

Jack: (pops out of his box again; this time wearing bunny ears) Happy Easter, everyone! Let’s get this party hoppin’. Whenever Easter rolls around, the fun is never stoppin’!

Toy Soldier 1: Listen, Jack! What’s wrong with you? You got it wrong again!

Toy Soldier 2: It isn’t Easter time, my friend. Now, let this show begin!

Jack: Not Easter? Huh? Well bad. (He takes off his bunny ears and goes back in his box. The soldiers close the lid.)

Rag Doll 1: (to the audience) Have you ever wondered what happens, when you are fast asleep? Or maybe you wake up and have a little peep!

Rag Doll 2: Sometime just after midnight, and before twelve forty-five, Underneath the Christmas tree, the toys all come alive!

Toy Soldier 1: The Teddy Bears start to Tango; the bunnies do the Hop. Barbie Dolls kick in a kick line! Transformers start to Bop!

Toy Soldier 2: They all make beautiful music, as you are soon to see. When the toys all come alive, there is glee under the tree!

Part 3

Jack: (popping out of the box wearing an Uncle Sam hat and waving a small American flag) Happy Fourth of July everyone! It’s a GREAT day to be an American! (The dolls and soldiers quickly shove him back in his box! We hear his muffled cries.) (Jack ad libs) I thought it was the 4th of July! It’s so hot in here! Hey! Hey!

Ballerina 1: Wow! This is getting kind of wild and it’s almost Christmas Day! The children might wake up. What will their parents say?

Ballerina 2: We should not be singing and marching, or dancing all around! Toys are supposed to be quiet! Now, nobody make a sound!

Cowboy Doll: I think we better stop, ya’ll! Those monkeys are getting obnoxious. Everyone, keep it down. Let’s all get back in our boxes!

Cowgirl Doll 1: I’m afraid it’s too late. There is no turning back. Everyone’s so wide awake! Even the Teddy Bears are coming alive, and you know the noise they can make!

Stuffed Animal 1: Have you ever seen a Christmas toy dance –a fun fandango? Have you ever seen a Teddy Bear do the Teddy Bear Tango?

Stuffed Animal 2: Well, look out, cause here they come!

Part 4

Jack: (pops out wearing a sombrero) Happy Cinco de Mayo!

Everyone: Nooooooooooooo! (The soldiers push him back in his box!)

Monkey 1: What a song! What a dance! Wow! You bears were great! Now it’s time for all of you to go and hibernate!

Monkey 2: Okay! Okay! It’s getting pretty late, but the Rag Dolls want to do a song. And maybe a few of those American Girls would like to sing along.

Transformer 1: (in a robotic speech) Well, a doll that sings and dances will make a lot of kids happy! So go ahead and do your song, but you better make it snappy!

Transformer 2: (robotic speech) That’s right! Santa will be here soon and he’ll want us in our places. He’ll want us acting like normal toys with silly, frozen faces! (They all make doll faces.)

Transformer 3: (robotic speech) Come on dolls, step it up; time to walk the walk. Let’s show these toys just how it’s done and make this party rock!

Part 5

Teddy Bear 1: We were singing and dancing and having so much fun! And all of a sudden, the clock struck one! (nothing happens)

Teddy Bear 2: She said...”The clock struck one!”

The Clock: (waking up) The clock! Oh that’s me! (The clock rings a bell or gong one time.)

Both Teddy Bears: (to the Clock) Thank you.

Clock: No problem! (Jack pops out with a pilgrim hat on. He starts to call β€œHappy Thanksgiving!” but is shoved back in his box by the soldiers before he finishes.)

Teddy Bear 3: Then, all of us toys started looking around. For all of a sudden, we heard this sound! (Santa enters to the sound of jingling bells.)

Santa: Ho Ho Ho! Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas!

Stuffed Animal 3: Quiet, everybody! It’s Santa!

Santa: Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas, everyone! (The toys all freeze and pretend to be regular, inanimate toys.)

Santa: Ho Ho Ho! You can’t fool me! I can feel the glee that’s under this tree! (The toys relax and smile at Santa.)

Santa: Okay now, Toys! It’s time for all of you to get back in your boxes. The children will be waking up soon.

Toys: But Santa!!

Santa: Ho-Ho-Ho! You toys crack me up! No β€œbuts” about it, the children will hear you and wake up! What will they think if they come downstairs and there are toys dancing all over the place?

Ballerina 3: Well, they might just remember that it’s a magical time of year, when everyone smiles from ear to ear.

Teddy Bear 1: A time when dreams can all come true, even dreams of toys like me and you.

Teddy Bear 2: It’s a time of year when every dream is a gem, especially the dreams of children like them.

Last Part/ Part 6

Santa: (all choked up) That was the most beautiful sound I’ve ever heard. I’m going up that chimney with nary a word. Ho Ho HOOOOOOOO! (like he’s wailing a cry, as he exits)

All: (ad libs) Bye Santa! Have a safe trip! Say β€œhi” to the elves!

Blue Crayon: Now it’s time for all of us, the big and little toys, to run and hide and wait, for all the good little girls and boys!

Red Crayon: And when they open their presents right before their eyes, there we will be, each one of us, a magical surprise!

Yellow Crayon: Before we send you packing, as you’re getting ready to leave, β€œRemember that it’s Christmas! This is a time we should all believe!”

Green Crayon: Believe that things might happen, like Santa might arrive. And if you’re good, you never know, your toys might come alive!

Pink Crayon: When you get home, you might just look and see what you can see. We hope that you will find some glee under your Christmas tree.

Orange Crayon: Go ahead, believe it or not, it’s totally up to you. But there was glee under this Christmas tree, that much we know is true!

Jack: (pops out with a Santa hat on) Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Have a very wonderful Christmas night! (He looks around and everyone nods with lots of energy. He is very excited.) Merry Christmas everybody!

All: He finally got it right!