Breakfast and Lunch

Sue Cleveland students have the opportunity to choose from several breakfast options in the cafeteria from 7:00 a.m. until 7:45 a.m. Breakfast and lunch are free for all students at Sue Cleveland.

Students who enter the building after 7:45 a.m. will be considered tardy and will be given a bagged breakfast that includes yogurt.

You can find the lunch menus by going to the Menu Page for the Food and Nutrition Services. Be sure to choose the correct month and choose the menu listings under elementary.

Students may not share items. This is a rule we have always had due to allergies.

If your student brings a lunch from home, they can buy milk for $0.65.

We do have snack food items available for students- cookies are $0.50, chips and fruit snacks are $0.75, brownies and Rice Krispy Treats are $1, and drinks are $1.25.

Putting Money on the Lunch Account

If your student owes money, and you put money on their account, the money will be used to cover the amount owed. This is a setting by School Bucks and cannot be overridden or undone by anyone at the school.

Your student can find out how much is on their account by going to the Student Backpack Account (view in green below).

Adults with access to their student's Parent Backpack Account can also access the information. Parent Backpack also will show your student's car rider dismissal number, grades, and attendance. Also, this is now the way adults will be notified if their student is in a classroom with a known case of COVID-19. If your student is a close contact, you will still be directly contacted by administration. Your student has access to their student ID number (needed to get a Backpack Account). It can be located by clicking the student profile (from the list to the left) and it will be right under their name.