Attendance Information

If you go to SCE Parent Attendance Information you will find information about student attendance. If you would like specific information about your student's attendance, go to your Parent Backpack account. Students may access their Student Backpack account using their Google login information.

To make it easier on you as well as the faculty and staff at Sue Cleveland, we have some digital ways you can share attendance and early dismissal notes or changes in transportation. 

If your student is going to be absent, you can go to this link and fill out a Student Absence Form.  If your student will have an early dismissal, you can send a message through Bloomz or Seesaw and I will pass it on electronically to the office. Anytime there is a change in how a student is going home, we must have it in writing from the parent/guardian. This prevents students from hoping off at a friends house and worrying their family that something has happened, like I did to my mom.

If you would rather hand write a note, that is fine as well. Please include your student's legal first and last name along with "Sanders 4th" as their homeroom. This helps the office keep track of who has excused absences and early dismissals. You're also welcome to message me through Bloomz or Seesaw.