Parent Resources 

Center for Community Services -

The Center for Community Services provides assistance with food, job skills, health related services, and much more.  The Center for Community Services is located at 1102 Howard Drive Simpsonville, SC (beside Golden Strip Child Development Center). 

Call: (864) 967-20

Greater Greenville Mental Health-- 

Greater Greenville Mental Health provides a wide range of mental health services to the community.  Bryson Middle School has a therapist on site from Greater Greenville Mental Health that is available to students and their families who have completed the referral and intake processes.  You can contact the Mental Health Therapist at our school by calling 355-2195 to schedule an appointment or to learn more about the services that are offered.

The Carolina Center for Behavioral Health- 

The Carolina Center for Behavioal Health provides comprehensive, individualized treatment that meets the complex mental and behavioral health needs of every patient.