Can you answer the following questions about the unit we are studying?

  1. How did the first agricultural revolution set the stage for the development of civilizations?

  2. What characteristics did early river valley civilizations share?

  3. How were they different?

Transition from Hunter/Gatherers

to Agrarian Societies

3. Food Foraging.mp4

Food Foraging



5. History of Domestic Animals.mp4

Domestication of animals.


First cities appear.

Ancient Mesopotamian Region

Ancient Egypt

Ted Ed - The Hidden History of Hatshepsut

Mr. Nicky - Tutankhamun Song Parody

Ancient Egypt Resources:

The Mummification Process: step by step directions on the Mummification process and the Ceremonies surrounding Ancient Egyptian burial techniques.

Ancient India

Ancient China

World Religions

TedEd Video on World Religions