Computer Responsibility Agreement

Students will:

  1. Respect and protect their privacy and the privacy of others by doing the follow:

    1. Use only assigned accounts and keep passwords private

    2. Keep personal information such as name, address, phone numbers, ect., private

    3. Have permission to photograph or videotape other individuals and to subsequently post these images or videos to the internet

  2. Respect and protect the integrity, availability, and security of all electronic resources

    1. Observe all network security practices

    2. Treat digital technologies with care, report damages, security risks or violations to a teacher or administrator

  3. Respect and protect the copyrighted/intellectual proper of others.

    1. Cite all sources appropriately

    2. Follow all copyrighted laws

    3. Use electronic communication devises appropriately to assure academic integrity

  4. Respect and practice the principals of community

    1. Communicate only in ways that are kind, responsible, respectful, and lawful

    2. Use electronic commutation devices for schoolwork ONLY

    3. Limit use of Greenville County Schools email to school-related correspondence

    4. Report threatening or offensive materials to a teacher or administrator

  5. Respect the property of Greenville County Schools

    1. Do not loan school devices to friends or family members

    2. Do not disassemble or attempt to repair the device

    3. Do not leave the device in an unsecured location or near water or food