Mrs. Daniel's ESOL

Hello! Welcome to my elearning page! Please know that this is unchartered (new) territory for us all! So let's all be patient with and kind to one another as we learn and communicate remotely!

Just like ESOL class, it is my expectaton that all ESOL students will listen, speak, read and write daily at home! I also expect students to participate in at least ONE daily lesson or activity from the list of links below! Remember how I always say after a weekend away from school that "our brains go to mush", so don't be THAT person during these next few will show when we return!!

Please access lessons on Mrs. Daniel's website here:

Some additional resources to use are:

  1. RAZ Kids teacher: ddaniel11 (all students have user/pass)

        • listen to/read a book on your level and complete the quiz and/or writing activity

  2. StoryLineOnline (books read aloud)

  3. (all students have user/pass)

        • see how many levels you can complete!

  4. Discus to access TumbleBooks (User: discus2020 Pass: Learn1!)

        • listen to/read a book of your choice and write a summary statement of your book

  5. Scholastic Learn at Home daily K-8 literature lessons and activities

  6. BrainPopJr (k-3), BrainPop (3-8), BrainPopELL user: ESOLGVL pass: ESOL2020

        • choose a video to watch, read the transcript (it's like a Readers' Theatre!) and choose 2 activites from the menu board to complete!

  7. FlipGrid (24490775)

        • choose a topic, read the article, respond by recording your own FlipGrid video!

Check out my GoogleClassroom for even more! (code just in case you need it - aq7girn)