District and School Updates

SCHOOL DISTRICT UPDATES: https://www.greenville.k12.sc.us/News/main.asp?titleid=2003closed

DRIVE UP MEAL SERVICE for all students aged 18 and under and special needs adults to 21

Our cafeteria staff is offering grab and go lunch and breakfast through our car line Monday through Friday during the state-mandated closure due to COVID-19. Parents can drive through our car line and be handed meals without the need to get out of your car. Additional GCS meal service information can be found at: https://www.greenville.k12.sc.us/News/main.asp?titleid=2003meals

MEAL SERVICE is from 10AM to 12 NOON - includes Lunch and Breakfast for the next day

Beginning THURSDAY, we will start handing out meals from 10 a.m. – 12 noon, and will give everyone 18 years of age and younger (and special needs adults up to age 21) a free lunch plus breakfast for the next day. This will eliminate morning meal pick up and require only one trip per day to the feeding site.

Per USDA regulations, children must be present to receive the meals.