Please find below some helpful writing strategies that we are going to use in class this year to focus our writing:

RAFTS is a strategy that all great writers use before beginning their writing.

Prior to starting, writers should ask themselves the following questions:

  • What is my role as the writer?

  • Who is my audience?

  • What format should I use?

  • What is the topic?

  • What is my purpose for writing?

Sample RAFTs Ideas.docx

This chart here provides a great starting point for students using the RAFTs pre-writing strategy. If you are having trouble deciding what your Role, Audience, Format or Topic are, these ideas might be able to get you started.

Revising and Editing Help

CUPS and ARMS are acronyms that you might find helpful when revising and editing your written work!

Please review them during your revision and editing process of your writing, to ensure your work is the best it can be!


When you are writing, you want to grab your reader's attention as soon as possible. Think about it... when you pick up something to read, what makes you want to keep reading it?

The thing that gets you interested, makes you want to keep reading, is called a 'hook.' There are many different types of hooks you can use to draw your reader in. The infographic to the left describes 7 different hooks. This list is specific to essay writing, but many of them can be used in other types of writing, like narrative, articles, blogs, etc.

Copy of 25 Graphic Organizers.pdf

This is a document with a selection of different graphic organizers to help you focus and organize your writing. Please feel free to browse through and see if there is one that may help you. If you happen to be in class at the time, just ask and I can print you a copy!