
Lorinda Ferry

With over 18 years of experience in education, I know all the right ways to get your school where you want it to be. Let's unlock your success together!

As a Digital Literacy Coach for Wesley College, Melbourne, I've had many years of experience in developing teacher capacity with technology.

Every day is different, with teacher training and coaching required with Google Workspace, Microsoft, Schoolbox, SEQTA, iPads, Hapara, Seesaw, Chromebooks, Surface devices and Digital Learning.

I have extensive teaching and leadership experience across F-12 in Australia and New Zealand and have also taught teachers at Bachelors level at Avondale University.

These experiences place me at the unique intersection of technology and education transformation.


My Experience

Upper Primary Teacher


Primary Teacher - Year 5

High School Teacher - Mathematics, English, Religious Studies, IT, Media Studies


Primary Teacher - Year 6

School Production Director

Upper Primary Mathematics Coordinator


Education Lecturer

Literacy, Numeracy, ICT, HSIE, Issues in Ed Tech, Religion


eLearning Education Consultant (2014-2018)

Technology and Learning coordinator for Adventist Schools Victoria.

  • Educational technology presentations and consulting

  • Implementation of the LMS across 7 campuses

  • Demonstration lessons and Digital Technologies integration

  • Teacher and student coaching

  • Policy and unit writing

  • iPad and MacBook training

  • Google Workspace for Education implementation and training

  • Parent and Student Information Sessions

Digital Literacy Coach (2018 - current)

Liaises with staff and students across 3 metropolitan campuses with digital coaching and digital technologies curriculum lessons and training.

This includes training in the Learning Management System - Schoolbox, Google Workspace for Education, Microsoft, Office 365, Seesaw, devices, iPads, apps and digital technologies integration in the classroom.

Demonstration lessons, 1:1 coaching, team teaching, parent sessions, student sessions, leadership coaching, professional development and online training.


Wesley College Dean Pearman

Lorinda is an exceptional digital thought leader working within the educational space. Her deep knowledge of pedagogy and digital tools provides a framework for outstanding teaching and learning development. Leading with empathy and a student-centered approach to teaching and learning, Lorinda empowers the teachers and students she works with to take risks, try new ways of working and to explore their own passions and directions. Her innovative approach to technology integration is driven by her desire to develop her own skillset while being forever curious.

Adventist Schools VIC | Brian Mercer

Lorinda is an outstanding educator who has a passion for supporting teachers to enhance their practice by using digital technologies. Lorinda is knowledgeable and motivated to learn in this area and has been recognised by Google and SEQTA for her efforts. Add passion and drive with a little "zaniness" and you have Lorinda. it has been a pleasure to have Lorinda as part of our team.

Avondale University | Maria Northcote

Lorinda is an informed and energetic lecturer. She puts in huge amounts of well-directed effort to her work. Her up-to-date knowledge of how to use technology in pedagogically sound ways is one of her hallmarks. Her recent teaching experience at schools and in tertiary institutions makes her a versatile educator.