Team Pukeko

Teacher:  Mrs Jenny Coyle

Room: 3

Class Year Level:  Year 2 - 3

What it means to be a Pukeko

Pukeko are very sociable.  They live peacefully together and work co-operatively to gather food and raise their young.  These traits are so important to have in a classroom.  We need Team Pukeko children to show the co-operative skills of Pukeko.

In Team Pukeko we need each child to be caring and compassionate towards each other as well as other children in the school.  Getting on peacefully with each other requires respect and honesty.  These are important in Team Pukeko. 

Pukeko show our value of persistence and flexibility as they are one of the few New Zealand native birds that have thrived since the arrival of man.  As learners in Team Pukeko the children need to be persistent in what they are doing and not give up at the first sense of difficulty.  Pukeko learners also need to be flexible and adapt to changes that may occur.

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