Digital Connections


Like us on Facebook to keep up to date with all the happenings that are part of Edendale Primary School.

We have photos, information updates, useful links and more.

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School App

Please download our School App.

Go to your App Store and search for SchoolAppsNZ.

Once you have this downloaded you can then search for Edendale PS Southland.

We use our school app to send out important alerts and information.

You can get the links to our newsletter and you are able to send an absence notification to our school office.

Our App can also be accessed through a web portal. Here's the link:

Menzies College also uses School Apps and so you can have both schools within the same app which is very handy in order to keep up with what happening across your wider family if older children are at Menzies College.


We use SeeSaw to share classroom and individual students' learning directly with parents.

Seesaw is brilliant. It gives you 24 / 7 access to your child's learning.

When your child enrols you will get an information sheet about what to download to your phone and how to connect to it.

When your child uploads work or assessments you get a notification and you can comment encouragingly back to them in real time.

Over their full time with us your child will build up a comprehensive digital portfolio of their learning.

School Interviews

Three times a year we connect face to face, with our parents and our children. This is an important part of keep strong relationships between home, school and the child.

We use a website called School Interviews to puts the power into your hands as to book a time that suits your schedule.