Standardized Testing [SAT/ACT]

SAT And ACT Information

What are the SAT and the ACT?

The SAT is a standardized test and college entrance exam that measures a student's skills in three core areas: Evidence-Based Reading, and Writing, and Math. Scores range from 400-1600.

The ACT is a standardized test and college entrance exam that measures a student's skills in four core areas: English, Math, Reading, and Science. Scores range from 1-36.

We recommend taking each test at least once, but ideally twice. Talk to Ms. Chandler if you have questions!

How do I pay for them?

Other than the ACT and SAT that are typically taken in school junior year, there is a fee to take both the ACT and the SAT (many current seniors were not able to take the in-school tests last year due to COVID-19 closing the school down). However, you are eligible for up to four ACT fee waivers and two SAT fee waivers if you are on Free or Reduced Lunch, or meet other criteria. Chat with your counselor if you need a fee waiver!

How do I prepare for them?

I highly recommend preparing for these tests! Some test preparation is expensive, but there is a lot that is free! By preparing for the tests, you'll be giving yourself a big advantage (and saving yourself from potentially having to take them again!).

An ACT overview with strategies can be found here

Free online ACT test prep resources can be found here

Free online SAT test prep resources can be found here

Access SAT practice tests here