NC Colleges


Public, private, community college, trade schools, and more. North Carolina offers over one hundred post-secondary schools. Sixteen of those schools are part of the UNC system. Are you interested in learning more about these schools? Explore the map and spreadsheet below, which contain more information about the locations, deadlines, cost, and scholarships of the colleges in North Carolina.

*Some information on the spreadsheet is still being added. Consider it a work in progress*

NC College Map.pdf


Some schools will have different deadlines in order to be considered for scholarships with your admissions application. Please refer to the school websites to find what these deadlines might be. Additionally, this spreadsheet is meant to be used as a tentative guide to learn some basic information about the schools listed. Do not rely on it. Do your own research as well. Double check the deadlines for the schools that you are applying for admission.

NC Colleges Information