Virtual Learning

for students

Establish a routine.

Set a comfortable, quiet space for learning.

Check CPS email and Schoology communications often.

Complete all assignments on time and with academic honesty.

Take breaks, eat healthy foods, and get plenty of rest at night.

Speak with adults and teachers when you need help.

Hot off the press!

Chesapeake Public Schools has released the 2020 - 2021 Code of Conduct policy. Please take time to review this informative document - it includes student conduct guidelines, virtual learning expectations, the school calendar, health and safety mitigation strategies, and much more! They have also developed an attendance policy that clearly defines how attendance will be measured in our virtual classrooms. This information can be found on the CPS website.

Below is our Indian River Middle School Virtual PBIS Matrix that outlines student expectations during virtual learning. These expectations echo CPS expectations for virtual learning.

PBIS Virtual Matrix