6th grade

Our 6th grade teams include Team Integrity, the Innovators, and the Trailblazers.

Meet our 6th grade teachers! Click here to learn more about each teacher and view their welcome video. Exceptional learning teacher introductions can be viewed here.

Mrs. Smith, Ms. Macina, Mrs. Wood, Mrs. Darden, Ms. Ohlstein, Mrs. Barrett, Ms. Ravenelle, Mrs. Meads, Mrs. Leathrum, Mr. McKee, Mrs. Solomon, Mrs. Simbeck, Mrs. Veirs, Ms. Haver

Our School Supply List can be found on our school website.

In Case You Missed It!

Principal Werts, Assistant Principal Johnson, and two other mystery staff members made a special video just for you 6th graders!

If your browser does not play the video automatically, use this link.