Meet the team

our new senior leadership team

In 2021-22, we will be welcoming in two new members of our Senior Leadership Team; Ms Alison Harbottle as our Headteacher, and Nathaniel Wilson as Deputy Headteacher.

Alison returns to the Charter family, where she has previously been an Assistant Headteacher at Charter North Dulwich, before moving on to the Aldridge Education Trust, where as Senior Trust Lead she worked with eleven different schools across the country.

Nathaniel is a vastly experienced senior leader and is joining us from City Heights in Brixton, and was previously an Assistant Headteacher Westminster Academy.

Ms Daly - Head of Key stage 3

Sarah Daly is Assistant Headteacher responsible for Key Stage 3 and KS2 Transition. Sarah has been with the school since September 2016.

For any queries linked to KS3 Pastoral care, Teaching and learning or further information about our transition procedures please contact Ms Daly:

Ms Blackwell - Head of Year 7

Lucy Blackwell has been the Head of Year 7 since September 2020, having joined the school a year earlier as a History teacher.

As Head of Year, Ms Blackwell is best person to contact with any questions about Transition and Year 7 matters:

Ms Barlow - Director of SEND

Amy Barlow is Assistant Headteacher responsible for the strategic leadership of the SEND department and is the designated teacher for LAC (Looked After Children).

For any SEND/ LAC queries please see our SEN Transition Offer letter below, and if you still have question you can contact Ms Barlow:

Transition offer SEND.pdf


Charmaine Lawrence is our Inclusion and Pastoral Team lead for our new Year 7s.

If you have any pastoral or behaviour concerns for your child, please email Ms Blackwell in the first instance who will refer these on to Ms Lawrence.