The school day

Our school day

School starts at 8.30am and finishes at 3.05pm for all students, with five periods and tutor time throughout the day.

We have a 20-minute break at 11.00am and lunch time is from 1.20pm to 2.05pm.

Year 7s stay in their form group for all subjects except Maths and Science lessons, where class groups are sometimes changed to best fit students needs.

Example of a current Y7 timetable, with a different day structure

Example of a days enrichment timetable.


The Charter School East Dulwich is deeply committed to offering a wide range of enrichment activities at the end of the formal school day. Everyday there are a range of activities, from sport to music and drama. There is something to meet everybodies tastes.

Details about clubs and activities are made available to pupils in tutor time. Pupils are asked to go along to the club or activity that they are interested in and sign up. When groups are full, the pupils may have to wait until next term to join.

We usually ask that every pupil attends at least one enrichment club per term, however this is dependent upon Covid guidelines.

The House System

Our House System reflects our commitment to education on a human scale. School Houses will allow us to build relations with students and between students by providing smaller, more intimate communities within the school.

Houses will also be key vehicles for promoting healthy competition, through inter-house academic and sporting competitions and for community service, as well as eventually for building an entrepreneurial ethos across the school.

Tutor groups will be assigned to Houses and students will engage regularly in competitions throughout the year which are designed to develop character and values, in particular our core attributes: Curiosity, Creativity, Courageousness and Caring.

There will also be opportunities for student leadership, in the form of House Captains and eventually prefects.

House leaders

school equipment

All student are expected to have the correct equipment to facilitate learning in every lesson. Pencil cases should include two blue or black pens, one green, two pencils, eraser and basic equipment for Maths lessons (ruler, compass and protractor).