Child Abuse - how to respond

While disclosures of abuse may not be common in mentoring, many mentors begin mentoring concerned about how they will respond if a young person discloses to them. Scroll down for information on how to respond. In short, contact your coordinator!

In the meantime, there are some basics which can help equip you.

Big Brothers Big Sisters has a national partnership with Safeguarding Children. They provide training and resources and know our kaupapa well.

They run a 3.5 hour online course covers the basics in child protection. It costs $50 - discuss this cost with your branch as they may be able to subsidise you to complete.

Sometimes we are unsure how to read the signs and whether we are just imagining problems that may not be there. This helpful booklet gives some good pointers to give you some clarity.

You can download the book here

Knowing how to respond to suspected Child abuse or neglect

Please note, in the two flowcharts below, where it says Staff XXX, contact your Coordinator who will let you know who the local Child Protection Coordinator is.