
This small village is the southernmost settlement of the Serpentine Coast.  It marks an uneasy truce with trade in goods & traffic of all kinds coming from the southern lands.

There's a small barracks of guards, but by and large Carywyre is open to all as customs is not levied until trade caravans reach the township of Montonbury 30 miles to the north.

While welcoming and diverse peoples gather in Carywyre's inns and taverns; the town is silently watched over by two tall towers.  

To the North is The Lyretree - a beautiful tower of ancient Eldarin construction nestled in the woodlands at the base of a small range of craggy foothills.  It's home to the mysterious and magical Ellesse Quorian, a powerful Eladrin wizard.

The the South is The Sonderturm.  Legend has it the tower is of ancient dwarven construction, bound with iron, and darker metals, it's massive walls withstood the spellplague and has never fallen to enemy incursion.  Locals know it as home to the reclusive wizard Zinn, who treats with the local mayoress to jointly protect the village.

The town of Carywyre itself lies on a small hill with the main road cut into it, splitting to run around either side of the hilltop, an artifact of the times when the hilltop had protective palisades - long ago blasted to ash by the spellplague.

In the town itself are many inns, and services to the travelling merchants and their thirsty caravan guards.  The shadowy Jaeger Guild has a rooming house and halls on the northeast face ot the hill, its entrance marked by a garden of trees and briars.  On the eastern side below the road, the mayoress Deirdred Hyneman and her wife occupy a handsome home.

Once a month the village common to the south swells with people as a thriving market takes place.  Farmers from the south dales bring produce all the several days trip to trade with adventurers bringing relics and trophies from the sundered plains and chasms to the south.  In season they're joined by fishermen and winemakers too.

Dotted around the roads north of town are several farriers, smiths and tradesposts to cater to travellers; and also a small temple to Silvanus lies a short distance from the main road.