"November Rain" Bike Ride

"Nothing lasts forever, even cold November rain"

Not the best Guns & Roses song in the world, but the words came true today (the bit about the rain that is). We all thought it was going to be sunny when we left home but Christmas Common had a mind of its own (never trust the Chilterns!) and presented us with quite a deluge for the start of the ride. So we started out with rain. Then we had cold and rain. Then we had cold, wind and rain! Finally it brightened up and all, bar the soggy feet, was forgiven. The trails were wet and slippy but the mud was kept in check by all the leaves and the trails were largely rideable. Traction up some of the hills was a bit of an issue but no one suffered from any (spotted) comedy moments, just the odd mouthful of muck and grit - easily washed away by the post-ride drink at the pub.