Weather Maps

Write answers to all 10 questions on your paper.

Discuss answers with table partners - I should hear you talking about this.

1. Over VA, would the sky most likely be clear or cloudy?

2. Along the front in the middle of the country is the pressure high or low? Where is the pressure the highest?

3. What is the approximate temperature for our area?

4. Look at the difference in temperatures from the Great Lakes area to the south. What is the difference?

This map has topography(land forms on it which is colored -High Land is Redder, Low land is more Blue) This makes seeing the temperatures much harder.

5. Where does it appear to be the warmest?

6. How could map making like this be confusing to people?

7. Can you see the flow of the Jet Stream here?

8. We live in the Westerlies Belt. Which way does the air move across the country in the map above. Is it from the West to the East or from the East to the West?

9. How would the flow be if we lived in an Easterlies Belt?

This is the way it used to be.

10. How are weather maps better today?