The Amazing Solar System

Your job on this amazing assignment is to find:

1. Go to this link and look at everything from smallest to biggest.

2. Draw an amazing picture of the solar system. Do an amazing job!! Really amazing!!

The planets must be:

    1. Colored nicely--I will be hanging these on display

    2. In the correct order with the name of each planet evident

    3. In the correct color

    4. The appropriate size in comparison to the others

You must also include:

    1. The Sun and its appropriate size in comparison to the other planets

    2. The Asteroid Belt in the correct location and labeled with Ceres included

    3. The correct number of moons each planet has

  1. The Kuiper Belt in the correct location and labeled

  2. Include a comet

Choose your favorite amazing planet and tell three amazing reasons why it is so amazing.

USE this AMAZING link to get your information: