Glastonbury Public Schools

Placement Criteria

Science Recommendations for Grades 7-9

Grade 7—Planet Earth

This course investigates aspects of the Earth, including its atmosphere, its changing surface, and its place in the solar family. The following criteria is intended to serve as a guideline to help match students to the course in which they will experience the most learning in the appropriate setting for their ability level and motivation. Leveling in science is fluid in that it can change from year to year for a given student, commensurate with their achievement and aspirations.

Level 2

Level 2 Planet Earth is designed for students who are at grade level and able to meet the content expectations of science at an appropriate pace/depth for this age group. These students are able to learn scientific vocabulary, read age-appropriate science text, perform experiments, and apply reasoning to make sense of our physical world.

Level 1

To be successful in Level 1 Planet Earth it is expected that students acquire science concepts at a fast pace, are able to use skillful reasoning to arrive at conclusions, and apply scientific concepts to a wide range of situations. Some criteria to use as a guide for placement include:

Grade 8—Concepts in Physics

In Concepts of Physics students explore some of the fundamental principles and laws that govern interactions of matter and energy, thereby influencing our everyday lives. The following criteria is intended to serve as a guideline to help match students to the course in which they will experience the most learning in the most appropriate setting for their ability level and motivation. Leveling in science is fluid in that it can change from year to year for a given student, commensurate with their achievement and aspirations.

Level 2

Level 2 Concepts of Physics is designed for students who are at grade level and able to meet the content expectations of science at an appropriate pace/depth for this age group. These students are able to learn scientific vocabulary, apply basic mathematical skills to analyze data and solve problems, read age-appropriate science text, perform experiments, and apply reasoning to make sense of our physical world.

Level 1

To be successful in Level 1 Concepts of Physics it is expected that students acquire science concepts at a fast pace, are able to apply mathematics with ease, are able to use skillful reasoning to arrive at conclusions, and apply scientific concepts to a wide range of situations. Some criteria to use as a guide for placement in Level 1 Concepts of Physics include:

If a Level 1 class, an average grade of 83 or better and an assessment average of 83 or better 

If a Level 2 class, an average grade of 93 or better and an assessment average of 93 or better 

Grade 9—Chemistry

In chemistry students explore the characteristics of atoms, molecules, and their interactions which result in the wide array of phenomena and materials which we use in everyday life. There are three chemistry course options available to Grade 9 students: Chemistry 5130 (L1), Chemistry 5440 (L2), and Integrated Science 5462 (L2).

Leveling in science is fluid in that it can change from year to year for a given student, commensurate with their achievement and aspirations. The following descriptions and guidelines are intended to help match students to the course in which they will experience the most learning in the appropriate setting for their ability level and motivation.

Level 2 options:

Integrated Science (5462 - Level 2)

Students in Integrated Science conduct investigations of energy, the structure of matter, the interactions of chemicals, impacts of chemicals in our society and environment, and the chemical nature of life. This is a laboratory course that is designed to utilize concepts of physics, chemistry, and biology to help students understand Earth's systems and develop an appreciation of global interdependence. This course is aligned with expectations of the Next Generation Science Standards, and includes themes of modeling, patterns, change, and constancy.

Chemistry (5440 - Level 2) 

This course is a traditional college preparatory chemistry course designed specifically for freshmen.  Students enrolled in this course are generally working at grade level in reading, writing, mathematics, and science.  These students work well independently and are able to learn scientific vocabulary, apply many mathematical skills (including algebra) to analyze data and solve problems, read age-appropriate science text, perform experiments, and apply reasoning to make sense of our physical world. 

Level 1 option:

Chemistry (5130 - Level 1)

To be successful in this course, it is expected that students acquire science concepts at a faster pace, are able to apply mathematics with ease, are able to use skillful reasoning to arrive at conclusions, and apply scientific concepts to a wide range of situations. Some criteria to use as a guide for placement include:

If a Level 1 class, an average grade and an assessment average of 83 or better 

If a Level 2 class, an average grade and an assessment average of 93 or better 

* Solid algebra skills are an aid to students who elect the challenges of Chemistry 5130 (Level 1). Students who gain a solid grasp of algebra skills taught in grade 8 in either Algebra or Transitions to Algebra can meet with success in Chemistry 5130.