Glastonbury Public Schools Science Department

Placement & Leveling

photo of several test tubes filled with blue and green liquid

These pages were developed to assist parents and students in understanding science course offerings and the guidelines teachers use when recommending students for science courses. It is very important that each student has successful experiences in the sciences, building the prerequisite skills and conceptual understanding at each step along his/her journey.

The best learning occurs when a student is placed at an instructional level that provides an appropriate degree of challenge. When students are placed in a level that falls outside of their appropriate instructional zone (too little or too much challenge), learning may be inhibited. At the appropriate instructional level, each student is challenged to reach optimum learning.

image of a human skeleton against an orange background
photo of Newton's crade...several silver metal spheres hanging from cords knocking against each other

When science teachers make course recommendations for students they weigh many factors, including achievement, skills, work ethic, and aspirations. The goal is to match a student to the course in which he/she will experience the most learning. Therefore, students and parents are urged to give careful consideration to the course recommendations made by science teachers. It is also important to remember that science course levels can change from year to year. The changes should be made based on achievement, skill development, and changes in work ethic and/or aspirations.

Please see below for detailed information about course sequences and placement criteria.