Glastonbury Public Schools Science

About Us

Glastonbury Public Schools K-12 Science Department

Essential Questions

Four essential questions propel science teaching and learning in Glastonbury Public Schools:

How do we know what we know?

Of what are all things made?

How do physical systems interact and change?

How do living systems interact and change?

Department Philosophy

At its most fundamental, science is the study of cause and effect. Science teaches us the connections between factual evidence and general theories. Students studying science should consistently experience methodologies that help them answer questions and arrive at conclusions based upon evidence. Quality science teaching fosters the processes of inquiry, creativity, applications of concepts, and the skills of critical thinking, organization, and communication.

Science advances by way of inquisitiveness and creative, logical, and sequential thinking. Experimentation is used to explore carefully-crafted, testable questions and is based upon careful measurement and observation. Experimentation is, therefore, the ultimate judge of scientific hypotheses and theories.

Science is a human endeavor that can be inspiring and noble. People participating in science are driven by curiosity and develop habits of mind that help them uncover new concepts and understandings regarding the workings of the Universe. Science helps us remain connected to our child-like wonder about ordinary things (such as falling apples and life cycles) and exotic things (such as black holes and neutrinos). Awe, humility, and passion are words people often use to describe their scientific experiences and investigations.

An appreciation of the triumphs of science is a joyful characteristic of a good society and fosters responsible behavior toward stewardship of Earth.