
Math Homework

Math homework will be passed out In class and on Google Classroom every Monday and due the following Friday. Homework will often Include current concepts that we are studying In class, as well as spiraled concepts (concepts that have been previously taught to keep practice). This Is optional homework and will not be graded or returned. To get Into Google Classroom, you will need your Google login.

Email: firstname.lastname.last3digitsofid#@k12.friscoisd.org

Password: 8 digit birthday MMDDYY

Math Homework FAQ:

How will I know If my student got the correct answer? Will there be an answer key?

Many parents have requested an answer key for the math homework. Unfortunately, we are not providing an answer key for the homework at this time. The students are expected to use a variety of strategies to come up with solutions to the homework problems and a single homework problem can usually be solved in an infinite number of ways. Frisco ISD is focused on students using flexible strategies for coming to solutions in math. This means that each student will arrive to the correct answer in their own way. This is fine, as long as the student can describe and defend their answer with reasoning and proof.

How can I help my student with their homework?

One point of reference that may help with homework is our journal notes from class. We take notes often on the strategies we are expected to use to solve problems. Your student is allowed to take that journal home any night they wish, so long as they bring it back the next day. The journal may be of assistance to you in showing you the way that the homework should be completed.

Will the homework be graded?

No, the homework will not be graded.

Is the homework required?

No, the homework Is optional, however highly encouraged.

Reading Homework

We encourage students to read AT LEAST 30 minutes a night. There are question stems in our resources section that students can use to respond to their reading. We focus on reading intensely and building solid ideas about characters and ideas in our books. Having your children respond and use evidence from the text to support their response will help them greatly this year.

Spelling Homework

Study spelling words for the test on Friday! These are passed out weekly and can also be found on our weekly newsletter for a digital resource.