Q: I was unable to attend Curriculum Night, how do I access information presented?

A: Please find the Curriculum Night Presentation Below.

Q:How can I ensure a smooth and efficient pick up for my child in the car rider line?

A: Please place your car tag on the rearview mirror of your car.

Q: How do I complete a background check to volunteer at school or chaperone a field trip?

A: Visit https://forms.friscoisd.org/sf/background-checks/volunteer and complete the online form. This process can take up to three weeks, so it is best to complete the background check as soon as possible.

Q: What school supplies does my child need for 4th Grade?

A: Please refer to the Supply List uploaded below. This list is the most updated list for the 2022-2023 school year.

Curriculum Night 2022-2023 FAQ.pdf
4th Grade Copy of McSpedden Curriculum Night 2022.pdf
4th Grade Supply List 2022-2023.pdf