The Crown Jewels


The Crown Jewels of the United Kingdom are kept in the Tower of London.

The crown jewels include the crown of St. Edward, Imperial crown, sceptres, royal apple, swords, ring, etc.

Henry III. wore the first crown jewel in 1216, it was a golden tiara. Crowns are the main symbols of royal authority.

Imperial state crown weights 1.06 kg and its 31.5 cm tall. The crowns price is about 3 - 5 billion pounds (140 - 85 billiards in CZK), the diamond at the centre alone is 400 million pounds (11.3 millions in CZK).

Queens Elisabeth II. crown is called Imperial State Crown, she wore it for her coronation in 1953. It was also placed on her coffin.

The Queen Mary Fringe Tiara was Queens Elizabeth favourite crown jewel. She also wore it at her wedding, but unfortunately broke when it was placed on her head but luckily someone fixed it.