Further Reading

Blickhan, S., C. Krawczyk, D. Hanson, A. Boyer, A. Simenstad, and V. Van Hyning. (2019) Individual vs. Collaborative Methods of Crowdsourced Transcription. Journal of Data Mining and Digital Humanities, Special Issue on Collecting, Preserving, and Disseminating Endangered Cultural Heritage for New Understandings through Multilingual Approaches. https://jdmdh.episciences.org/5759/pdf

Van Hyning, V., Blickhan, S., Trouille, L., and Lintott, C. (2017). Transforming Libraries and Archives through Crowdsourcing. D-Lib Magazine, 23(5/6). http://www.dlib.org/dlib/may17/vanhyning/05vanhyning.html

Additional Resources

ALICE: https://alice.zooniverse.org

ALICE: About page. https://alice.zooniverse.org/about

ALICE video tutorials. https://vimeo.com/zooniverse

An Overview of the Zooniverse Project Review and Launch Process. https://vimeo.com/534941470

How to create a project with the project builder. https://help.zooniverse.org/getting-started/

How to set up your project with the Transcription Task. (Google doc)

Panoptes Aggregation Documentation. https://aggregation-caesar.zooniverse.org/docs

Use Caesar for more efficient data processing. https://help.zooniverse.org/next-steps/caesar-realtime-data-processing/

Zooniverse Project Builder. https://www.zooniverse.org/lab