School Features


Since its establishment in 2004, our principals, section heads, and mentors have passionately invested their energies in the school orchestra, supported by the parents, and the orchestra has blossomed and grown. Each year, the orchestra stages a concert and joins competitions, bringing home many award and prizes. Music-loving children are invited to join the Yuansheng Orchestra to enjoy making music and sharing it with other people. 

Athletic Stream 

1. In 2009 we formally established our Athletic s Stream for students with an interest and talent in track and field, korfball, and handball.

2. Our athletics teams participate in all kinds of competitions, with great success, and setting records citywide records as well national records for elementary schools. Our teams have joined tournaments in Hong Kong, becoming korfball champion during the 51st and 53rd Hong Kong Festival of Sport. In 2016 and 2017 we became National Handball Champion, and we have represented our country for two consecutive years in international invitational tournaments.