Kindergarten students must bring the following items to school daily:

Scholastic Book Ordering is here!       Magazines are  going home monthly. If you would like to order books, ordering online is very easy! Use the links below to connect online and order books from the Scholastic Magazine in your child's binder or find a wide selection on the Scholastic site.



Practice Reading Every Night!

Please encourage your kindergarten student to read. He/she brings home small sight word readers daily and has a 10 minute reading routine outlined on the monthly AVID Homework agenda. Practicing reading every evening at home will ensure that your child will be a better reader. 

Send in Grocery Receipts

I am scanning receipts for any BoxTops for education! Just send in any grocery receipts (must be less than 14 days old) and I will scan them with the app on my phone. Your child gets a donation dojo for bringing in a grocery receipt containing any BOXTOPS for education. Our class/school  receives $.10 for every BOXTOP! 

click DONORS CHOOSE link above to view the current class project and share it w/ friends and family to help funding. Donations to our posted  projects are much appreciated.

Click the the white button to fund us on TpT or help supply the classroom wishlist on Amazon:

ClassDojo for communication

Parents must connect!

(get APP on phone)

Showbie for daily assignments in math &  reading on the iPad.

The Secret Word is : _______