Kindergarten students will participate in engineering as part of our STEMSS curriculum (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, Social Studies). We will have several lessons throughout the school year. One important lesson is learning about the Engineering Design Process. Students will also participate in STEMSS Monday which occurs once a month for the entire school. Students will use engineering projects (paper plate projects) for Show & Tell and will not participate in the Family Monthly Projects below until we return to a normal school schedule were all students are back at school.

Students will bring their Paper Plate Engineering plans home the first week of each month. Parents should assist and give suggestions to help their child create and improve their plans (parents should not take-over the process and the child should be involved in its creation/improvement). The idea is to transform the paper plate so it doesn't look like a paper plate but resembles the content being studied. The project above is an example of a bee and represents a study on animals. Students are given one week to complete their engineering project. Late projects will lose points. Projects that are incomplete or show evidence of a lack of engineering design will also lose points.

In our kindergarten we will be using Project Based Learning. PBL is learning by doing. It engages students in projects that allow them to construct their own knowledge. A project motivates students to learn, and they remember it longer. Projects give students the chance to apply the skills they learn in school to personally relevant and real-world situations. Your child also learns skills in PBL such as how to think critically, solve problems, work in teams, and make presentations. These skills will help students succeed in the future, both in school and in today’s work world.

Kindergarten students will be participating in group projects at school and individual projects at home. This website will provide information for this school year's home projects and also provides resources. All due dates for home projects are located on the AVID homework form. Students will complete a home project each month. Participation is important and students do receive grades in Science, Social Studies, and Reading.

Kindergarten PBL

  • A show and tell project to present for listening and speaking

  • A content based project in Science or Social Studies

Possible PBL Themes:

Growing a Garden

The 50's-People of the Past

Shape Exploration

What Does 100 Look Like?

Our Careers & Community

All about Animals

The Gingerbread Man

We will work on Mastering the 4C's