music - Miss stayer


Miss Stayer

6th Grade Music 

Periods 5/8


All assignments will be completed in music class.  Out of class work will only occur if students need extra time.  Options for completing work are as followings:  Homework Club, taking work home, and using Flex time to work on music projects/assignments.

Week 1:  Introduction to YSMS Music Class, Review of Musical Instruments & Musical Instrument Families, Genres of Music

Assignments:  Listening Logs, Album/CD Cover Project, Listening Quiz

Week 2:  Vocal Anatomy, Vocal Health, Singing Techniques, Solfege, Song Forms

Assignments:  How Does the Voice Work? - Article & Questions, Solfege Scale, Song Form Assignment

Week 3:  Music Theory Skills -- Learning how to read music (notes, rests, music terminology, music symbols)

Assignments: Assignments, Music Theory Skills Graded Assignment or Test

Weeks 4-9:  Piano Keyboard Lab

Assignments:  Playing Tests, Piano Keyboard Packet, Composer Project, World Musical Instrument Project

6th Grade Music Class Syllabus

York Suburban Middle School

6th Grade Music

Miss Stayer (

Welcome to all students!  I am excited for music class and all of the fun activities that we will complete together to learn more about musical instruments, music genres, our singing voices, and how to play the piano keyboard!  Students will have music class every day for one marking period.

Class Goals:

The student will …

Units of Study:

Required Materials for Each Class Period:

Behavioral Expectations:

**No throwing of ANY material in the classroom**

Classroom Management: 

If YOU choose to not follow these rules and expectations, YOU will be choosing to accept the following consequences: 1) Contact Parent, 2) 1 hour after school detention, 3) Continued detention, 4) Office referral. 

Technology Management: 

If technology cannot be used responsibly, the following will occur: 1) Warning, 2) Loss of use of all technology for the class + Parent Contact + report to 6th grade team, 3) Loss of use of all technology in class for the remainder of the rotation + report to 6th grade team 4) Administrative Referral.


Summative (50%)

Formative (50%)


If you are absent, please see our Google Classroom for missed announcements/assignments.  You may also email Miss Stayer at with specific questions.