Yorktown High School
Science Research Program

Welcome to the Yorktown High School 

Science Research Homepage!

The Yorktown Science Research Program is an immersive three-year experience in which students participate in academic-level research under the guidance of a professional mentor in their STEM field of interest. Over their three years in the program, students will write an academic paper, present at local, regional, and national symposia, and complete a multi-year project. Students in the program move on to their college and professional lives with an enormous advantage from the skill sets they attain and their academic accomplishments in this exceptional program.

Current Program Highlights

The 2023-2024 school year was exciting for YHS Science Research! We continue to have students working at world-class research institutions and succeeding at the major regional, national, and international science fairs! Take a look at the pictures below for a few highlights from this year at WESEF, NYSSEF, JSHS, and ISEF!

Eric Song took home 2nd place in the WORLD for Systems Software at the 2023 Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair.  A HUGE congratulations to Eric for his amazing success!!! 

Congratulations to Eric Song, junior in the Yorktown Science Research Program, who was a finalist at NYSSEF and will be representing Yorktown at the International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) in May. You can read more about his amazing accomplishments here

A HUGE congratulations to Raka Bose for being named a Top 300 Scholar in the 82nd Regeneron Science Tallent Search. We are so excited and proud of Raka for this incredible honor!  To check out more information on the Regeneron STS Competition, you can visit the Competition Website!

2022 Somers Science Fair Winners 

Our 14 sophomore presenters made Yorktown proud at the 2022 Somers Science Fair. Congratulations to all of our presenters, especially Alyssa (1st place), Sofia (1st place), Devesh (2nd place), Thomas (2nd place), Aidan (3rd place), Abhi (3rd place), Akshya (3rd place), and Eric (3rd place)!

WESEF 2022 Winners

Congratulations to our WESEF 2022 award winners. A full list of awards and student categories can be found here. You can also view some pictures of the event, courtesy of the WESEF Board, at this link. We had an awesome year, with ~80% of our students winning awards at the event and one of our participants, Raka Bose, advancing to GENIUS Olympiad as a Grand Prize Finalist.

Upstate JSHS 2022

Congratulations to Ella Chee for placing 1st in her poster competition at Upstate JSHS! She advanced from WR-JSHS where she won 2nd place in her room of seven presenters and competed in a room with twelve other students in her area of research. 

History of the Program

The Yorktown High School Science Research Program was created by Mr. Michael Blueglass who ran the program from 2001 until his retirement from teaching in 2020.

Over the years, several other teachers have participated in the program:

Mr. Michael Salmore, 2010-2012

Mrs. Maria Pace, 2012-2014

Ms. Erica Curran, 2014-2015

Mrs. Rachel (Koenigstein) McNelis , 2015-2020

Mrs. Stephanie Peborde Burke, 2020-2021

Mr. Dominic Guazzo, 2014-2019, 2021-2023

Mrs. Diane Laux, 2021-Present

We are forever grateful for their dedication and hard work!

In 2020, Mr. Paul Rubeo joined the program. In 2023 Mr. Justin Seweryn joined us as our co-director of the program. They are excited to bring the program forward, continuing the work of the talented educators before them.