
SCIENCE DIRECT  - Best Science Research Database

Using Advanced Search in Science Direct - Link

Boolean operators must be entered in all uppercase (AND, OR, NOT) 

Example: stress OR anxiety

The hyphen - (or minus symbol) is interpreted as the NOT operator

Example: black -hole will return results with 'black', but exclude any where 'hole' appears with it.

Parentheses can be used when nesting clauses

Example: (a OR b) AND (c OR d)

Quotation marks can be used to specify terms which must appear next to each other

Example: "heart attack" OR "myocardial infarction" 

Plurals and spelling variants are automatic: strand includes strands, color includes colour

Greek letters and character equivalents - enter the word  

Example: omega Results will include omega, symbols Ω (uppercase) and ω (lowercase).

Subscript and superscript:  Enter in normal text

Example: H2O

Additional Hints and Reminders

Try contacting the author(s) of an article if you can't find the full text version.

Stop by or email Mrs. Sudol if you are still having trouble accessing an article (

Every database has different search rules and operators. Get familiar with the database you use most often.

Do your citations while you are searching. It is easier to do it while searching than creating citations later.

Use and make sure you are logged in to your account.


Boolean operators must be entered in all uppercase (AND, OR, NOT) 

Example: stress OR anxiety

Quotation marks can be used to specify terms which must appear next to each other (compound terms)

Example: "social media

    Find alternate word endings using the truncation character *

Example: leader* will return leader, leaders, leadership

Proximity operator NEAR/ to find words that are close together 

Example: television NEAR/4