The PIE Program

Personal Interest Exploration

About the PIE Program

The PIE Program is an alternative to study hall. It allows students to dedicate time to a project they are personally interested in. Instead of attending study hall, students will work on their PIE Projects in the library under the guidance of the Library Media Specialist. The goal of the program is to encourage creativity, independence and a love for learning.

Program Requirements

Students will be required to sign in at the library during their assigned periods. Students are also expected to follow all library rules as well as the YCSD Code of Conduct. Failure to meet these requirements will result in removal of the program and re-enrollment to study hall.

Project Examples

Students are encouraged to come up with their own proposal for their project. It should be something they are passionate about or something they are interested in learning more about. Be creative and take time to think about it! Some possibilities: learn a new language, create a font, build a computer, become Google certified, learn a new software program, create a fundraiser, get certified in first aid, make a scrapbook or bullet journal, read a book from every genre, create a travel itinerary, work on a family tree, learn how to crochet, create 3D designs, start a soundcloud channel, create a website, take a free online course...the options are endless!

Project Limits

Projects must be appropriate for the school library. Sound and distractions must be kept to a minimum (no musical instruments, no power tools, little movement throughout the space, etc.). 

Frequently Asked Questions

Will the projects be graded? No. This program is meant to provide students with an opportunity to learn about something they are interested in or passionate about. There will be no formal assignments or grades but students must continue to show progress in order to remain in the program.

Does it have to be something I have never worked on? No. You can pick a project that you are already learning about. You just need to continue to progress throughout the semester. 

Can I change my project if I don’t like it? One of the focuses of this program is to work through frustration to achieve a goal. Students will be discouraged from changing projects after several weeks pass although exceptions may be made with permission from the librarian.

Can I work on a project with a friend? Students may work on the same type of project but group work is not encouraged due to scheduling issues. Plan on doing your own project but you can work together outside of program hours to help each other with difficulties.

Can I work on the project more than just during study hall? Yes! Students may work on their projects any free period or after school until 3:00. 

What if I have a test that I need to study for or work to make up? Can I use the time for study hall? Speak with Mrs. Sudol when you sign in. The majority of your PIE Program periods should be focused on working on your project but exceptions may be made.

What are some of the supplies available in the Makersapce?

The following list contains just some of the materials available in the YHS makerspace. Students may reserve these items or supply their own materials needed for their project.


DaVinci Duo 3D Printer


LEDs/Copper Tape



Straws & Connectors

VEX Robotics




Raspberry Pi


Kano Kit

Makey Makey





Craft/Art Supplies




Duct Tape






Where can I find more ideas about projects?

YHS Makerspace Materials

Free Online Courses

20Time and Genius Hour Resources

Who can I talk to if I have questions about the program?

If you have any questions about the program, email the YHS librarian, Terri Sudol. Her email address is