Crompond Elementary School

Welcome to the Crompond Elementary School Health Office

Barbara Driscoll, RN, BSN


Phone: 914-243-8140, option 1

Fax: 914-455-2794


Please view the YCSD School Nurse homepage for District Wide Health Announcements as well as building specific announcements below.

Special Health needs should be communicated to the school nurse, Mrs. Driscoll, throughout the year to promote and maintain a successful school experience. If your child requires specific assistance, has a health history change, a new medication, illness, injury, or allergy please notify the Health Office promptly. Information is kept confidential and shared on a need to know basis.

There are special procedures for use of crutches in school. Please notify the nurse and send in a physician note about the injury and the need for crutches in school prior to the start of the school day. Every effort should be made to drive your child to and from school as crutches are a safety issue on the bus. If your child has an arm cast and needs assistance with writing, please send in a physician note stating a need for writing assistance/ scribe before the next school day.

Corona Virus Information is also listed on the YCSD School Nurse homepage. Click below for Videos and Information from your YCSD School Nurses ~Spring 2020:

Video explaining Corona Virus to Kids 4/9/2020

Info about COVID 19 from your nurses and NASN 4/10/2020- great for older kids to read

Twitter video from your school nurses 3/31/2020. Please note that the CDC now recommends wearing cloth face covers in public settings and where social distancing measures are difficult to maintain (grocery stores, pharmacies...).



Absences should be communicated to the Health Office via phone or email for attendance. Please call 914-243-8140, option 1 or email Mrs. Kris Stillo, the Health Office CTA, will reach out to parents via the phone number provided to check on your child if we do not hear from you. Please always keep your contact information updated.

It is recommended that parents notify Mrs. Driscoll and their child's teacher of any extended absences or illnesses.

Medication in School

Every effort should be made to administer medication at home as it does present a disruption in the student’s school day. However, if your health care provider feels that medication is necessary during the school day, please submit a Medication Permission Form to the health office.

Administration of medication during the school day is permitted only with written direction from the health care provider and parent/guardian. A new form must be filled out for each change of medication and renewed each school year. This includes any over the counter medicines such as Tylenol, Motrin, Cough syrup, Eye drops, etc., as well as prescription medication. In some instances, approval by our school medical director may be required.

An adult must drop off medication in the original, properly labeled container. Students are at no time allowed to carry medication of any kind.

2020-2021 School Year Requirements

Please read the letters below for grade level requirements:


NYS Mandatory requirements for physical exams, screenings, and immunizations are listed here for the 2020-2021 school year.

I. Physical Requirements:

Health Appraisals

  • For 2020-2021, physicals are mandatory for all 5th graders and new entrants to the district. Physicals performed within one year prior to the start of the new school year (dated 9/8/19 or later) will be accepted and must be submitted within 30 days of school entry.

Dental Certificates

  • A dental certificate is requested, but is not mandatory, for all 5th graders and newly entering students.

II. Screening Requirements:

The following screenings are required from your physician (within 6 months prior to the start of the new school year - dated 3/8/20 or later). If not received, the screenings will be completed at school:


  • Distance and near vision acuity for all 5th graders.
  • Distance and near vision acuity, plus color perception screening for all newly entering students.


  • Hearing screening for all 5th graders and all newly entering students.


  • Scoliosis (spinal curvature) screening for all 5th grade girls.

III. Immunization Requirements:

All immunizations are due within 14 days of the start of school.

Please click this link for the updated New York State 2019-2020 Immunization Requirements for School Entrance/Attendance. (We are not anticipating any changes for 2020-2021. When the immunization schedule for school year 2020-2021 is released from NYS, I will post it here.)

Student Illness Guidelines

With your cooperation, we can keep our school safe and our students healthy and ready to learn!

When deciding whether to send your child to school, the following guidelines may be helpful.

See your pediatrician for persistent illnesses and send a note clearing your child to return to school if absent 5 days or longer.

Please keep your child home until symptom-free for at least 24 hrs if experiencing the following:

  • Temperature of 100 degrees or greater (no school until 24 hours after the temperature returns to normal without the use of medication). **See Below
  • Severe cold symptoms, including coughing, sore throat, sneezing, heavy nasal discharge.
  • Strep Throat (until treated with antibiotics x 12 hours and fever free)
  • Bacterial Conjunctivitis (Pinkeye) (until treated with antibiotic eye drops x 24 hours)
  • Impetigo (until treated with antibiotics x 24 hours), the area must be kept covered in school
  • Untreated active Pediculosis (lice)
  • Nausea, Vomiting, or Diarrhea before and during school
  • Rash or open lesions on any body part without medical note for clearance
  • Severe Earache, Toothache, or Headache
  • Pain or limitation of movement from an injury
  • Extreme fatigue and/or malaise, cannot concentrate in school.

**Please note: If your child has a fever of 100 degrees or higher, he/she should remain home until symptom free for 24 hours without the use of Tylenol or Ibuprofen (Motrin or Advil). It is strongly recommended by the CDC that you do not give your child Aspirin for flu-like symptoms due to potential risk of Reyes' Syndrome.

For further information on various childhood illnesses and school age concerns please see Guidelines for Common School age Concerns and Illnesses and always check with your Health Care Provider for questions or concerns regarding your children.

Please keep your child home until completely recovered to stop the spread of germs.

Practice and reinforce good hand-washing hygiene at home, reminding your child to wash often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

Illness Trends

Some illnesses reported at Crompond for fall 2020:

  • To be updated when we return to school
  • Please Be Safe & Healthy! Wash Your Hands Often!

Got Ticks?

Is there a tick on you , a loved one, or pet? Learn how to BE TICK FREE and prevent Lyme Disease.

Lice Facts

Head lice can reach a peak time for infestation due to overnight camps, slumber parties and/or vacations. Please consider checking your child’s head for the presence of lice regularly during the summer and also during the school year weekly. Information about identifying lice can be found on this CDC site.

Lunch Menu Updates - Carb Counts and Food Allergen Alerts

The Yorktown Central School District is excited to announce the ability to see nutritional and allergen information for our menus at the following site: . Once you click on your school menu you can count carbs by pressing the calculator by each edible item and then press meal calculator for the final count. To avoid food allergens click on the allergens tab to the right and it will delete the food choices containing a specific allergen. The link is also at the bottom left of each monthly menu.