Technical Instructions

We will use phones to record these conversations. Please bring a fully charged phone with a voice recording app installed and ready to use. 

iPhone or iPad

Apple devices come with Voce Memos a voice recorder already installed. We recommend you use that app. 


Many Android phones come with an app called Recorder. You may have a different voice recording app on your phone. Please test it before the day of the recording so you're familiar with how to record and save recordings. If you don't have it installed already, you can find it in the Play Store.


Here are some tips for getting the best audio quality possible. 


Preserving the Recordings

York School does not preserve these recordings, but we can advise families on best practices for keeping these recordings around for generations. Best practices for storing valuable data such as these photos and recordings include using multiple storage solutions kept in different places. 

Cloud-based services

We recommend using a well-established cloud-based platform for storing these files. 

There are many others. Choose one or more that you trust. 

Local storage

In addition to a cloud-based solution, you should consider storing one or more copies of these files in a secure location that you control. Consider a high-quality USB thumb drive, just remember that these do not last forever, and the technology will change, so preserve these in a way that keeps up with tech changes. 

Keep a copy in a safe place that will be protected from fire, water, or theft such as a fireproof safe or safety deposit box.