StoryCorps at York

Dear York School Community,

Grandparents and Friends Day is perhaps my single favorite day of the year here at York. Since 2007, we've been using the StoryCorps program to help teach the value of sincere and powerful face-to-face conversations. By participating, you will get the opportunity to interview and record a conversation that you may treasure for the rest of your lives. We will be using the questions provided by StoryCorps. Please choose 7-10 of them ahead of time. Make sure you start with a few from the top of the list. As you get down lower in the list, the questions get deeper. At the end of the interview, you're going to "turn the table" and tell your guest what they mean to you. If you have already participated in this program, please choose new questions. This is a great chance to go even deeper with your guests. If you feel that participating in this activity is not a good fit, please let us know and we'll look at other options. 

We understand that this activity may evoke a wide variety of emotions. It may even feel a little scary. I strongly encourage you to take a risk, dip a toe into the activity, and see how it goes. Want to learn a little more before you commit? Please watch this three-minute below. From my long experience watching these interviews, I am confident that you will be glad you gave it a try. 

Kevin Brookhouser
Director of Technology and Innovation