Blackboard Ally

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What is Ally?

Ally is a tool that works seamlessly on Blackboard to provide tips and step-by-step guidance to help you improve your content accessibility.

In addition to providing you with an accessibility report, Ally automatically creates alternative versions of your files. This allows students to choose the type of file they want that best suits their needs. While you're in the process of improving files, students can still access alternative copies. The various file formats available are 

Guides for Blackboard Ally

Ally at the Uni of York

From Sep 2021, Ally will be on by default for all module sites. 

Key data

Data for department use of Blackboard Ally  1 Sep 2021 to 29 Feb 2024 (UoY login required)

Student feedback

We are collecting feedback on the use of Ally in your departments. View the videos below and encourage your students to fill in the anonymous student survey form so we can understand the various reasons why students want to use Ally.

Learn from the Ally pilot at The York Management School

Prioritising what to fix

Jon Brown, Elearning Officer in TYMS explains the approach to prioritising the work of improving the accessibility scores on modules.

Creating a culture change

Digitally skilled staff

Jill Webb, Director of Teaching and Learning in TYMS on the impact of accessibility work in the department.

"Now I'm looking forward to working with a department full of people who are digitally skilled!"

Lecturer feedback on Ally - John

John Issit gives a thumbs up for Ally.

Lecturer feedback on Ally - Claire

Claire Sinclair reflects on how training +  Ally has helped prepare her to support students next year.

Student intern reflection

Claire Rogers, Politics student who has worked in Environment and Geography and TYMS as a digital accessibility intern, talks about the usefulness of Blackboard Ally to support staff.

Chris Corker's approach to the vle

Jon Brown interviews Chris Corker on his approach to vle resources for greater accessibility.  

Duration 03:43, Requires UoY login. 

Ally in other departments

A great way to get alternative formats

Paul Waites in Biology on the impact Ally has had for some students.

An aid for reflection

Helena Daffern, Electronics, Engineering, on why BB Ally has helped her think about accessibility.

Converting scans with Ally

"I used BbAlly to convert my scans, which were upside down and wonky. BbAlly converted them automagically into neatly formatted documents in OCR pdf format - what a marvellous tool!"

Julie Tucker - York Biomedical Research Institute

Your feedback here

Do you have some feedback on Ally? 

Get in touch at to let us know.

Adding accessible maths to Blackboard

View our videos on how to add accessible maths to the VLE.

You can add equations using the MathML method or the Image method with EquatIO.

The built-in equation editor, Wiris, does not produce sharp enough equations when zoomed in so do follow the methods listed above!

Additional resources

How to videos 

A playlist of the short targeted videos mentioned by the people above. Includes videos made by Biology interns.

Requires UoY login.

View in separate window.

Explore the other sections of this site to support the development of skills around digital accessibility:

screen reader user at user research workshop