MA Students

We look forward to holding a dynamic space at the conference for you to develop your research and explore your ideas. MA students can participate in three ways:

MA groups for the Table Talks

In preparation, please think about your dissertation topic, what you want to find out, and how you intend to go about your research (your methodology).

More details to follow.

Check the Table Talks Guidelines for more details about what to expect.

Exhibition and Open mic 'performances'

All CWS students are invited to share their artwork for our Sisterhood in Action exhibition space. Likewise, you are all invited to share (perform!) something creative, loud, energetic, artistic, political, hot and wild at our open mic session at the end of the day. We welcome prepared work but there will be space for spontaneous contributions; aim for 3 minutes with 5 minutes maximum for each ‘turn’.

15-Minute Papers

MA by research students are also invited to give a 15-minute paper on any aspect of their research work as part of a panel. Please submit a 250-word abstract by the deadline. (Tips and guidelines for writing an abstract are available here). This will be a very good opportunity for you to share and get feedback on what you have been working on so far, and to gain experience in speaking and presenting.

Please note:

All full-time MA students are expected to attend this event. If you realise there is an exceptional reason that you will be away, please talk to your supervisor and get your supervisor's explicit permission to be absent.

All part-time MA students are encouraged to attend. The day will be helpful for all year 1 MA students as they need to hand in a proposal for the module 'Feminist Research Methods' later in the academic year and start their dissertation over the summer, and for year 2 students as they continue their dissertational work. However, we do realise that attendance for part-timers is not always possible, and we will try to help in other ways if you must be elsewhere. More details to follow.

Any queries, contact the organising team members ( ).