About Me

Hi, I'm Rosario Neyra, a PhD student at the Centre for Advanced Studies in Language and Communication at the University of York. My main research interests are conversation analysis and how we use language and gestures in everyday settings.
In my spare time, I enjoy pottering about the garden, listening to podcasts and trying new recipes. 

I discovered my passion for this field during a module of my Masters' at Newcastle University and later went on to conduct a study using this methodology for my dissertation. 

I am honoured to have been accepted back to the University of York to further my studies and help me to pursue a career in research and academics.


2021 - Present PhD in Language and Communication, University of York - supervisors Dr Kobin Kendrick and Prof Merran Toerien

During the Covid pandemic, I became interested in how craft workshop providers were able to continue to offer their services through online courses and began to wonder about the ways in which they were being conducted.

2017 - 2019 MA in Cross-Cultural Communication and International Management, Newcastle University (Distinction, awarded Cross-Cultural Communication Exceptional Student Award).

For my Masters dissertation at Newcastle University, I recorded a game playing community and using conversation analysis, I was able to draw conclusions about how this group used language and gestures to enact a 'meta playfulness' that enhanced their game playing experiences. 

2013 - 2016 BA (Hons) in Philosophy, University of York.

If you'd like to read more, you can find my full CV here.